History of DMZ

Chronicle of DMZ
with Disappearing Pain
and Welcoming Wind
of Peace and Cooperation

2000 ~ Current

  • Starting from a negotiation to improve North-South economic cooperation relationship, there are various attempts for peaceful talks on North-South relationship.
  • Held North-South Summit and discussed enforcement of Panmunjom Declaration
  • Held Trump-Kim-Moon DMZ Meeting and declared measures to prepare for peace agreement.
  • Moon and Kim adopted Panmunjeom Declaration to relieve North-South tension and brought peace to DMZ region.

1953 ~ 1999

  • North Korean soldiers infiltrated into South Korea and got detected at South Korea’s DMZ
  • The triple trigger incident that happened in Panmunjeom caused a large-scale conflict at DMZ between North Korean troops and U.S troops
  • Farming Control Line became Civilian Control Line to control the access of civilians
  • The Commander of United Nations Command, North Korea, and China gathered at Panmunjeom for Armistice Agreement
  • Signed Korean Armistice Agreement
  • Designated DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) according to Korean Armistice Agreement