Where can I make a booking?
Click “Make Reservation” menu to make a reservation. The reservation process is as follows 

- Click “Online Reservation > Real-time reservation” menu. And Select Visit Schedule / Select Number of Visitor > Fill out detailed Information > Check Reservation Information and make payment.

You can check DMZ News > Reservation Guide for the further information.
Where can I cancel booking?
Click “Online Reservation > Reservation check/Cancel. 

You are able to cancel your reservation.
Where can I check my booking?
Click “Online Reservation > Reservation check/Cancel. 

You are able to check your previous reservation details.
Where can I check my booking cancellation details?
Click “Online Reservation > Reservation check/Cancel. 

You are able to check the previous reservation and cancellation details.
Can I apply the tour program offline?
You can purchase a ticket on a first come, first served basis depending on the ticketing status of the day. 

Please note that the ticketing may be closed early depending on the ticketing status.
DMZ Peace Tour Ticket Office : ☎ 031-954-0303 / ☎ 031-954-0640
How long does a refund take after cancellation?
Credit card refund takes 3 to 5 business days, and debit card refund takes 5 to 7 business days.