The Paju DMZ Peace Tourism online reservation system (hereinafter referred to as the “reservation system”) establishes and
discloses the Privacy Policy as follows to protect the personal information of users and handle the related complaints quickly and smoothly
in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 1. Purpose of Personal Information Processing

The reservation system collects and utilizes the personal information for the following purposes :

  • Smooth Service Provision and Operation

    To operate smooth DMZ Peace Tourism online reservation service and online reservation service for individuals and groups

  • Customer Management

    To handle inquiries and requests, identify individuals, verify age, prevent illegal use and unauthorized use, verify intention to sign up, store record for dispute resolution, handle complaints, deliver notice, complete analysis and statistics, and inform emergency situation quickly

Article 2. Particulars of Collected Personal Item and Method of Collection

  • Particulars of Collected Item
    Particulars of Collected Item
    No. Name of Personal Information File Basis of Operation / Purpose of Processing Personal Information Items Recorded in Personal Information File
    1 Group Member Information Consent of information subject/member identification, statistics on member service use, identification in case of loss of member account
    • Username, Password
    • Name of person in charge, mobile phone number of person in charge, email of person in charge
    • Company name, representative name, representative mobile phone number, business registration number, representative telephone number, fax number, address
    2 Online Reservation Information Consent of information subject/reservation processing, reservation information, cancellation information
    • (Common) Name, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number
    • For Koreans, city/province/district/county of residence
    • For foreigners, country and passport number
    3 1:1 Inquiry Consent of information subject/inquiry receipt/feedback
    • Name, phone number, email
    • N/A for foreigners
  • Method of Collection

    Your personal information is collected when you sign up to website and use the service.

Article 3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Party

  • The reservation system does not provide the personal information of the service user to the Third Party without a prior consent. Provided, the personal information may be provided when the user directly grants his/her consent to use the service of the external affiliated company, when the submission of personal information required in accordance with the related statutes, and when the personal information is necessary for an emergent threatening of user’s life or safety.
  • The reservation system may externally disclose the personal information of the user when he/she granted consent in advance, when required in accordance with the related statutes, or when requested by the investigation agency pursuant to legal procedure and method for investigative purposes.

Article 4. Personal Information Retention and Use Period

In principle, the personal information is immediately destroyed after achieving the purpose of collecting and using the personal information. Provided, the following information is stored for the specified period for the following reasons :

  • Preservation to prevent ID theft and verify member usage
    • Retained Items : Login ID, reservation details (name, date of birth, mobile phone number)
    • Basis for Retention: Prevention of ID theft and verification of fraudulent usage details
    • Retention Period: 3 years
  • Preservation to prevent fraudulent registration and use
    • Retained Items: Mobile phone number, login ID, reservation details (name, date of birth, mobile phone number)
    • Basis for Retention: Prevention of fraudulent registration and use
    • Retention Period: 3 years from the date of withdrawal
  • Provided, if it is necessary to retain the information according to the provisions of relevant laws, the reservation system will retain member information for a certain period as stipulated by relevant laws.
    • Records on contracts or withdrawal of subscriptions: 5 years (Act on The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.)
    • Records on payment and supply of goods: 5 years (Act on The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.)
    • Records on consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years (Act on The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.)

Article 5. Procedure and Method of Personal Information Destruction

In principle, the reservation system immediately destroys the personal information after achieving the purpose of collecting and using the personal information unless the personal information has to be preserved pursuant to other laws. The procedure and method of destruction are as follows :

  • Method of Destruction
    • The personal information stored in the format of electronic file is deleted by using a technical method to prevent revival.
    • The personal information printed on a paper is destroyed by burning or crushing with a shredder.

Article 6. Entrustment of Collected Personal Information

The reservation system entrusts the personal information processing work as follows to process the personal information smoothly :

  • Operation and Maintenance of Computing System : Impacsys
  • Online Payment Service : NICE Payments
  • Text Message and Notification Message : Kakao

Any changes in entrustment details and outsourcee will be made public without delay by using the Privacy Policy.

Article 7. Installation and Operation of Automatic Collection Tool for Personal Information and Denial Thereof

The reservation system operates “Cookie” to save and find the personal information of the user frequently. Cookie is a small text file sent to the user’s browser by the server used to run the service provider’s application service, and it is stored in the computer hard disk of the user. The reservation system uses Cookie for the following purposes :

  • Matters Regarding Refusal of Using Cookie
    • Purpose of Using Cookie, Etc. : The reservation system uses Cookie, etc., to analyze the website access frequency and visit time, identify and analyze the area of interest, enable event participation, identify the number of visit for target marketing, and provide personalized services. The user has the right to decide whether or not to install Cookie. The user may set the option in the browser to allow all Cookies, check Cookie every time, or refuse all Cookies.
    • Method of Refusing Cookie : To refuse the use of Cookie, the user may choose the web browser options to allow all Cookies, check Cookie every time, or refuse all Cookies.
    • Example of Cookie Setting (Internet Explorer) : Select Tools button > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced Settings > Choose Cookie Setting
    • Provided, refusing to accept Cookies may restrict the user from using some of the services requiring login.
  • Matters Regarding Membership Withdrawal
    • The user may click “Withdraw Membership” and complete identification process to access, correct, or withdraw the personal information for “Change Personal Information” (or “Edit Membership Information”). The user also may contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, call, or email for immediate measure.
    • When the user requests correction of the error in his/her personal information, the personal information will not be used or provided until it is corrected. If the wrong personal information is already provided to the Third Party, the correction result will be notified to the Third Party without delay to correct the personal information.
    • The system processes the personal information withdrawn or deleted by the user based on the “Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information Collected by Service Provider,” and the personal information is processed so that it cannot be accessed or used for other purposes.

Article 8. Application Scope of Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy of the Service Provider is applied only to the website managed and operated by the Service Provider to provide the service. When the user receives the service by using the link to the website of the other Service Provider, the Privacy Policy of the linked website will be applied. The user must check the policy of the website he/she newly visited.

Article 9. Method of Remedy for Rights and Interests of Person in Charge of Personal Information Management and Data Subject

  • To protect the personal information of the user and handle the complaints regarding personal information, the system designates the department and person in charge of personal information management as follows :
    • Department Name : Tourism Cooperation Division, Tourism Department
    • Person in Charge : Hoyeol Kim
    • TEL : 031-940-8343
    • Email :
  • If the user raises his/her opinions or complaints to the department of person in charge of personal information management regarding the handling and protection of the personal information protection by the Service Provider, the system will endeavor to take a quick and sincere measure to solve the problem.
  • For other reports or consultations on personal information infringement, contact the following institutions :
    • Personal Information Infringement Report Center (Operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency) : / Call 118 (without area code)
    • Internet Crime Investigation Center, Prosecution Service : / 02-3480-3573
    • Cyber Terror Response Center, Korean National Police Agency : / 1566-0112

Article 10. Matters Regarding Change in Personal Information

In case of any change in this Privacy Policy, the system will notify the reason and details of changes on the Notice of the first website page or separate pop-up window at least seven days in advance.

  • Privacy Policy Version Number : v1.0
  • Privacy Policy Implementation Date : July 5, 2024