Refusal to Collect Email Addresses

The email address posted on this website shall not be collected without permission by using an email collection program or other technical tools.
Please be aware that violation is subject to criminal punishment. A party that collects, sells, distributes, or uses the email address without permission by using
a technical tool will be punished by imprisonment for no more than one year or by fine not exceeding 10 million won
pursuant to Article 50 of the [Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection].

Article 50 of [Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection], (Prohibition on Unauthorized Collection of Email Address)

The reservation system collects and uses the personal information for the following purposes :

  • If any person intends to transmit advertising information for profit by using an electronic transmission medium, he/she shall obtain express prior consent from an addressee to who such information is addressed. Provided, that where he/she falls under any of the following, he/she need not obtain prior consent :
    • Where a person who has directly collected contact details from the addressee in his/her dealings of goods, etc. intends to transmit advertising information for profit on the same kind of goods, etc. as those he/she sells and has dealt with the addressee within a period prescribed by Presidential Decree;
    • Where a telemarketer under the [Act on Door-to-Door Sales, etc.] solicits prospective customers to buy products or services using the phone.
  • Notwithstanding paragraph (1), where an addressee expresses his/her intention to refuse to receive information or revokes his/her prior consent, no person who intends to transmit advertising information for profit by using an electronic transmission medium shall transmit advertising information for profit.
  • Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a person who intends to transmit advertising information for profit by using an electronic transmission medium during the time between 9:00 pm and 8:00 am of the following day shall obtain express prior consent from the addressee of such information: Provided, That in cases of media prescribed by Presidential Decree, the forgoing shall not apply thereto.
  • A person who transmits advertising information for profit by using an electronic transmission medium shall specify the following matters in advertising information, as prescribed by Presidential Decree :
    • The name and contact details of a sender
    • Matters concerning measures and methods by which an addressee can easily express his/her intention to refuse to receive information or to revoke his/her consent to receive information.
  • No person who transmits advertising information for profit by using an electronic transmission medium shall take any of the following measures:
    • Measures to avoid or interfere with an addressee's refusal to receive or revocation of his/her consent to receive advertising information;
    • Measures to automatically generate an addressee's contact information, such as telephone numbers and email addresses, by combining figures, codes, or letters;
    • Measures to automatically register telephone numbers or email addresses for the purpose of transmitting advertising information for profit;
    • Various measures to hide the identity of the sender of advertising information or the source from which advertising is transmitted;
    • Various measures to induce an addressee to reply by deceiving him/her for the purpose of transmitting advertising information for profit.
  • A person who transmits advertising information for profit by using an electronic transmission medium shall take necessary measures so that an addressee does not incur any cost, such as telephone charges, incurred when the addressee refuses to receive or revokes his/her consent to receive such information, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
  • Where an addressee gives prior consent under paragraph (1) or expresses his/her intention to refuse to receive or revoke his/her consent to receive advertising information under paragraph (2), a person who intends to transmit advertising information for profit by using an electronic transmission medium shall inform the relevant addressee of the outcomes of measures taken in relation to consent to receive, refusal to receive, or revocation of consent to receive advertising information, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
  • A person who obtains consent to receive advertising information pursuant to paragraph (1) or (3) shall regularly verify whether an addressee of advertising information consents to receive such information, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.